Neem Power


Neem Power

Neem power is free from impurities. It is having Longer shelf & Highly Effective. Neem Power with Sweet and pleasant fragrance & 100 % bio degradable and environmentally Friendly.Neem power works as natural broad-spectrum insecticide & Effective over 600 species of pest’s fungus. Acts as an Insecticide / Fungicide / Miticide. *Neem oil is emulsiable, eco-friendly, biodegradable. *Contains Azadirachtin which repels/control aphids, black spot, rust, Spider mites, eas, fungus gnats, white ies, mosquito and so on. *For Indoor/Outdoor Use on Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Herbs, Spices, roses, Houseplants, Flowers, Trees, Lawns and Shrubs.
Recommended Crops
Cotton, Maize, Chilli, Paddy, Groundnut, Red gram & Other Vegetables.
2 ml in 1 litre of water, Spray during morning or evening hours for best result. plant should be drenched thoroughly for effective result
Directions for Use

Mix the required quantity thoroughly in a sufficient amount of water and spray on both sides of the leaves affected areas. In cases of high-water hardness, good quality surfactant is advisable for better solubility.

Available in
250ml, 500ml, 1000ml

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