


CHAMP is combination of Super Potassium Humate and Fulvic Acid. It has excellent beneficial with nutrients and compost. Hence mix with vermicompost/microbial compost CHAMP. CHAMP a unique soil conditioner, a naturally occurring organic substance consisting primarily of Humic Acid and minor level of minerals, gypsum and clays. The molecular structure of CHAMP provides numerous benefits to crop production. It eases organic material. Incorporation to soil, acceleration its decomposition & nutrient utilization and eventually increases the carbon content of the soil.
  • CHAMP enhances decompositions and formation or organic matter in the soil.
  • It helps soil desalination. 
  • It increases root mass and Brix level.
  • It enhances vegetative growth.
  • It increases organic (Carbon) percentage in the soil.
  • It helps to increase water holding capacity of the soil and helps to resist drought.
  • It increases aeration of soil, membranes permeability, plant respiration, photosynthesis cell division and enlargement.
  • It improves soil humidity structure and viability.
  • It increases the germination of seeds and viability.
  • CHAMP is suitable for all kinds of crops:
Recommended Crops
Sugarcane, Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Fibrous Plant, Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, Spices, Cash Crops, Plantation & Medicinal Crops and Kitchen Gardening.

For Spraying: 15-25 gm per 15 litre spray volume.

Soil Application Dose: Its directly related to the amount of organic matter of soil, if below 2%, then apply 8-12 kg per acre of plant,

For sugarcane – apply 1 kg per 100 – 150 kg of chemical fertilize.

Available in

1 kg

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